Thank you for checking out our posts. This is the introductory post to the Personal Finance series. I hope you gain some insights and enjoy learning about some financial principles.
We work, save, spend, borrow, invest and give, but how do we determine what for, how much, and when? Reflecting on our personal finances not only helps us identify what we value, but helps us build a blueprint to match what is truly most valuable.
If you searched the "most valuable list" on google, you'd likely see rare gemstones, gold plated cars, diamond Iphones, and a whole list of grossly expensive items. However, if I asked you what is most valuable, I imagine that list would be different. You might think of your family or a place, or even your world view. We often most value the intangible over the real objects so what would it look like to work, spend, save, borrow, invest and give in ways that reflect what is truly most valuable to us? What would a community or a nation look like that does this?
Throughout this series we will be considering how mindful personal finances can change homes, communities or even countries. I hope this series challenges the way we view money and how we work, save, spend, borrow, invest, and give towards the things we value.
The next posts walk through Finances at a Glance, Neglected Finances, and Strategic Finance.